Men, Join Us In The CAVE

Men, join us for conversations about life, faith, and relationships among other men who don’t have it all figured out.

No classes, courses, or coaching programs. No pitches or funnels or next steps.

Just coffee, conversation, and hopefully real connection that makes us better humans.

Small talk about hobby interests is great - sports, music, hunting and fishing, cars and bikes - but I'm even more interested in having conversations with other guys about questions like:

  • Is my value to this world boiled down to what I can produce? Or do I have more to offer?

  • If God is really out there, why can't I seem to understand or experience him daily?

  • How can I face the hard challenges of life instead of medicating them or numbing myself to them?

  • What does it really mean to have a healthy relationship with my spouse? My kids? My friends? Myself?

  • How might I be limited in how I see the world? Is my perspective too narrow?

  • Where do I find real confidence? Joy? Happiness? Fulfillment? Purpose?

  • What can I contribute that makes my world a better place for the people I love?

When we get together and talk about life, faith, and relationships, walls come down, and we get better together.


This is not your typical Christian men’s Bible study.

While we will reference the Bible, especially the life and teachings of Jesus, we welcome skeptics, seekers, and nonreligious men alike.

For ourselves, we want to go deeper, uproot unhealthy habits and tendencies, and grow into better humans.

We want to heal from pain, discover our real identities, and live lives of honesty, authenticity, and integrity.

For each other (and other men), we want to be models of servant manhood and learn how to be proactive in deepening friendships.

For our loved ones, we want to improve our relational skills, demonstrate love, and practice empathy, compassion, and kindness.

For our communities, we want to learn how to come alongside the marginalized and make a more just and equitable society in which everyone can flourish.


  • If you’re a man who has achieved adulthood, you’re welcome in the cave!

  • We tackle big, sensitive subjects head-on, like addiction and sexuality.

  • We welcome everybody’s unique perspective without policing anyone’s views.

  • That said, we also won’t tolerate toxic or threatening talk.

  • We don’t posture. Nobody cares who’s the toughest or richest guy in the room.

  • We share opinions with the five magic words: “… but I could be wrong.”

  • Sharing is always optional, and confidentiality is everything.


We will share meeting times and locations on Facebook, and we will use a group messaging app to communicate announcements and changes of plans.

Want updates? Join the GroupMe group!

(GroupMe is an easy app to use for group texting and it’s announcement-only, so no spam or messages from people you don’t know.)

Questions? Email Brandon.